19 days and counting until the Season Opening Glen Allen Open at Hunting Hawk.
Are you Registered yet?
Register here---------------> The Glen Allen Open
The Williamsburg Open at Stonehouse scheduled for June 20 has been changed
to Friday, April 24.
That's right.......it's the day before the 1st rd. of the Skirmish at Fords Colony.
Directors in other cities where Majors are being, and have been hosted have begun holding local Tournaments the day before Majors and the results have been overwhelmingly successful on player field size. Players are taking advantage of getting in a warm-up round the day before that will offer them the opportunity to gain valuable Merit Points as well as gearing up their "Game Face" for the weekends competition, with a shot at additional Prize Fund and Trophies.
So for those coming to play in the Fords Colony Tournament, we on the Richmond Tour are going to give them a "REAL TREAT" and host a tournament at Stonehouse.
Register Here--------> The Williamsburg Open
Registration for 5 New Majors has now Opened, including;
Chambers Bay
Turning Stone
Barton Creek
Now is Your chance to Play where the Pro's Play

Are you paying FULL PRICE for tee times? Why?
Use GolfNow and save up to 80% on Green Fees
Learn More HERE
Richmond Golf Channel Am Tour Facebook Page
Pace of Play Helpful Hint #3
1.) Leave your cart or bag at the side of the green
closest to the next tee whenever possible.
2.) When you are near the green, take the clubs needed
to finish the hole. And when you are on the green lay
your clubs between the hole and the cart, so as not to
forget them and have to go back for them
3.) Take only one look at the line of play/putt.
Line up your putt while others are
putting. (But do this without being a distraction) When
it’s your turn you have the right to finish out any short
putts remaining, unless you interfere with another's line
of play.
4.) After putting out, go directly to the next tee and
and record your scores there.
5.) If one of your playing partners is struggling in a bunker
and comes out over the green or into another bunker,
help them out by raking the bunker for them or those on
the green can putt out while he is raking and/or traveling
We would like to dedicate this section for the benefit of NEW Tour Members that will be competing on the Golf Channel Am Tour for the very first time, what they can expect, and how Tournament operations are conducted.
Monday----- before the Tournament Registration closes at Midnight
Thursday--- before the Tournament Pairings will be Posted and Emailed
Friday-------- before the Tournament Informational Email will be sent
Tournament Day
Registration/Check-in begins 2 hrs. before the 1st Tee Time. We ask that ALL Players please arrive and Check-in at least 45 minutes before YOUR Tee Time.
At that time you will be able to enter the *OPTIONAL Skins and Side Games.
Range balls are included at all Tournaments and you can find out how to obtain them when you Check-in.
Be at your cart and READY to start at least 15 min. prior to YOUR tee time.
Your Pairing will be sent to the Starting Tee 10 min. prior to your start time where you will receive pertinent information regarding the round.
When your start time arrives you will be individually announced to start your tournament.
It is the Responsibility of the Player to Know and be Present for their established Starting Time.
Upon COMPLETION of your Tournament Round bring your SIGNED scorecard DIRECTLY to the scoring area before you do ANYTHING else.
As soon as ALL scorecards are entered for for Your Flight, awards and trophy will be presented and skins paid out.
* Optional Skins and Side Games
You can enter ANY, ALL, or NONE of the Optional Skins and Side Games
Flight Skins = $10
Close to the Pin = $5
Troops First 50/50 = $5
Skins ---- If you're the only
player in your flight to post a Birdie or Better on any hole during the
tournament, you win a skin! The pot will be divided between all skins that are
out. NOTE: If no Birdies or Better are
recorded in a flight, Skins will then be calculated on Low Score
SKINS ---- If you're the only
player in the Field to post a Birdie or
Better on any hole during the tournament, you win a skin! The pot will be
divided between all skins that are out.
Close to the Pin ----- The player who's ball ends up closest to the pin on the designated Par 3 hole wins 1/2 of the pot.
Troops 1st 50/50 Raffle ---- When you enter the Troops 1st 50/50 Raffle your name will be placed on a ticket and entered into the drawing. During play a ticket will be pulled and the name on the ticket will be the winner of 1/2 of the pot.
You can purchase as many chances as you would like.
This week we will do a Video Review on BALL LOST or OUT of BOUNDS
Click here for Video-------------> Ball Lost or Out of Bounds
See also;
Click here for Video---------------> Provisional Ball
REMEMBER.....Never Hesitate to hit a Provisional Ball if you have ANY doubt that your ball may be Lost Outside of a Water Hazard or Out of Bounds
ANSWER to Last Weeks Question
A player's ball is lost in a lateral water hazard. He takes relief under the lateral water hazard Rule, using his best judgment to determine the point where the original ball last crossed the margin. After a ball is dropped, but before he plays his next stroke, another player says that the original ball crossed the margin some distance from where the ball was dropped. He finds the original ball where the other player said it would be. What is the ruling?
C.) He must lift the dropped ball and drop a ball in the correct place, incurring only one stroke penalty under Rule 26-1
Explanation - 26-1/16
In stroke play, a player strikes his ball into an area of casual water that is adjacent to a water hazard. He mistakenly thinks that the casual water is a part of the water hazard. Abandoning the original ball, which he could have easily retrieved, he substitutes a ball, drops it five yards behind the casual water, consistent with the water hazard Rule, and plays it. What is the ruling?
A.) There is a 2 Stroke Penalty
B.) There is a Total Penalty of 4 Strokes
C.) He is Disqualified
Submit your answer to Gfrancis@gcamtour.com
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