until the season opening first tournament
Have you registered for the Glen Allen Open at Hunting Hawk?
Registration Closes Monday March 16
There are currently only 18 spots left in the field
Register Here-----------> The Glen Allen Open
Lucas Santerre
Michael Biggs
Have you seen the NEW advertisements and Promotions about the
Golf Channel Am Tour?
Golf Channel and NBC aired the new Ad during last weeks Honda Classic, and currently during the WGC Cadillac Championship and the Puerto Rico Open. Plus mentioning it during the Rounds
Click on the picture to see the Ad
Click on the Picture to see the mention during the Honda Classic
To the 7 Members of the Richmond Golf Channel Am Tour that will be competing for the trophy in their respective flight at the Kiawah Island Championship.
Tip Wight
Edward Shine
Keenan Davis
JB Martin
Michael Radan
Ed Machado
Brian Gutierrez
"LIKE" us on Facebook

This is the FINAL installment of Pace of Play Helpful Hints. We hope that you have found these useful and share them with your golfing friends.
Pace of Play Helpful Hint #4
1.) Never hesitate to hit a PROVISIONAL BALL
Anytime you think that your ball may be lost out side of
a hazard or out of bounds. If you have to go back to the
tee, this cost time, and could possibly cost you a penalty.
2.) Remember that you only have 5 minutes to look for a
3.) Please help your fellow competitor look for a lost ball
until the green clears for you to hit, then go to your ball
and prepare to play. If there is still time left you may
then continue to help them look for their ball. That
way once the ball is found or an other ball is put into
play only one person will have to play in order to keep
things moving.
4.) Have a sense of where you are on the golf course. You
don’t have the “right” to drive a cart over every area
of the course, so estimate the yardage and select several
golf clubs before going to your ball.
5.) Check with the golf shop to see what cart rules are in
effect for that day and follow all regulations.
6.) Keep your own scorecard in addition to the
official scorecard, to check that all scoring is
correct. Once your card is signed and turned in,
7.) Whenever unsure of ruling NEVER HESITATE
to invoke Rule 3-3 and play a second ball and
record both scores, then the ruling will be settled by the
committee at the end of the round
“It’s not Bad Golfers,Bad Shots, Deep Rough, or Fast Greens that slow down play".
It’s BadHabits!
Primarily... not being Ready to play when It’s your turn
Change your habits and change the
Enjoyment of the Game…………….for EVERYONE!!!
If you have missed ANY of the Richmond Golf Channel Am Tour Preseason Updates you can view them ALL right here--------> Richmond Golf Channel Am Tour Blog Page
Check it out, there has been a lot happening and some important information you will want to be aware of.
This week we will once again offer the video on Immovable Obstructions and follow it with Nearest Point of Relief. Both are VERY Important so please take the time and view them
Click here for ---------> IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS
Click here for ---------> NEAREST POINT of RELIEF
In stroke play, a player strikes his ball into an area of casual water that is adjacent to a water hazard. He mistakenly thinks that the casual water is a part of the water hazard. Abandoning the original ball, which he could have easily retrieved, he substitutes a ball, drops it five yards behind the casual water, consistent with the water hazard Rule, and plays it. What is the ruling?
The CORRECT Answer is;
A.) There is a 2 Stroke Penalty
Explanation Decision 25-1b/13
Which one of the following are TRUE?
A.) Sand and loose soil are never loose impediments
B.) Without penalty, a player
may brush leaves from his line of putt with a towel, provided he does not press
anything down
C.) Manufactured ice is either
an obstruction or a loose impediment at the option of
the player.
D.) Grass clippings adhering to
the ball are loose impediments.
Submit your answer to gfrancis@gcamtour.com
Next Week is the FINAL ROUND for the Rules Quiz with 50 points available.
If you have missed sending in some answers during the past 8 weeks here is your chance to get back in the hunt.
There will be 10 questions each worth 5 points, BUT........each INCORRECT answer will be a -5 points.
Give it a TRY...........There's nothing to Lose..........and a $50 Golf Galaxy Gift Card to be Gained
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